Sunday, November 16, 2008


Well, it seems I can't really stay off the blogging scene... if that's what kids call it these days. I think the allure really is that it's a release for me. It lets me unleash all the bottled up emotion and pressure that I and everything around me exert on my psyche... into a massive void with very little chance of feedback.

And isn't that what we all want? A form of expression or a method of action free from repercussion? Though, ironically, the interweb is probably the fastest way someone could find my angst... but As is life, no?

Anyway, how do I feel right now, and does anyone care?

Well, I currently feel trapped... and I have a key. But at the moment, the cage seems a lot more comfortable than the outside world. How common is that? It can be likened to the womb, where the fetus is warm and comfortable. But, it gets pushed out into a cold, bright world, and the first thing it does is slap it on the ass. (yes, that's a grammar faux pas in there, with the "it"s... but what the hell.)

I'll explain this later, and that's probably why I'm a bad blogger. You won't get to read my thoughts for another week or so. or maybe I'll be bored this afternoon and crank out a reply to myself... who knows.

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